Har du tjekket konfigurationen af din Facebook "About" side for nylig?
Gad vide hvor mange der egentlig har opdaget at Facebook for et halvt års tid siden tildelte og indsatte @facebook.com email-adresser på alle brugeres profiler, og samtidig ændrede synligheden af alle eksisterende email-adresser på profilerne, til kun at være synlig for ejeren selv?
Hovedparten af mine kontakter på Facebook har deres @facebook.com email adresse stående som den eneste synlige på deres profil. Måske nogle enkelte der er bevidst om det og synes det er i orden, meeen så mange?...
Only Name and Comment are required fields when commenting here. If you specify your email address, everyone will be able to find it at your comment. However your email will only be directly visible when hovering over your name, and in the code behind it will not look like an email address. So the risk of bots harvesting email addresses here, should be minimal. But again, you are free to leave the email blank when commenting.
If you tick Remember me, your name, email and homepage address will be remembered and prefilled at your next visit (Uses a cookie when ticked).
Full URLs (starting with "http://" or "https://") in comment text will be converted into active links when comment has been verified by a human as not being spam. Comments that looks too much like spam, will immidiately/proactively be rejected by the system and never reach a human eye.